Estonian is no easy language. Sensible people don’t attack difficult stuff from its most inaccessible and challenging side — by all means, that is a direct path to defeat. Are language addicts sensible people? Not by definition, but sure enough, they are adventurous enough and know where the fun is.
As a matter of fact, most of the following phrases aren’t very useful in everyday life unless used as a weapon to knock someone out with your supernatural skills, but beware: some of this stuff is hard to pronounce even for Estonians.
If this is your first or an early-stage encounter with Estonian language, then a two-step initiation with 10 Tongue Twisters To Get You Started on Estonian and 10 Estonian Tongue Twisters for Language Hackers is strongly recommended.
Ready to go? Let’s attack the dark matter.
1. Kuuuurija töööö ööülikoolis
2. Põder põõnas põõsas
3. Sääsed söövad
4. Jõululaululaulja
5. Palun lase mind maha
6. Anna õlu üle õla
7. Vahetevahel jätame kohvitasside vahele vahed
8. Esimese esimehe esimene esinemine
9. Uusaastaöö vastuvõtu hommikuidüll
10. Üleülikooliline tööõigusabibüroo
If you enjoyed this, check out a free video and animation heavy online course Keeleklikk, take part in the Estonian summer courses, or come join the semester or degree programmes of Estonian at the University of Tartu.
Inga Külmoja is an author and the editor of the UT Blog.