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Tag Archives: Turkey
Student diary: Deciding about “going back” and getting reliable information on COVID-19
Efe and Ege Ergür, second year medical students at the University of Tartu, write about why they decided to stay in Estonia and where to look for reliable sources on COVID-19. Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, Student life, Studies, Tartu
Tagged coronavirus, COVID-19, crisis, Tartu, Turkey
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Twins Ege and Efe in the steps of Baer and Pirogov
Read and listen to the interview with Ege and Efe Ergür from Turkey, the first-year medical students at the University of Tartu. Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, Student life, Studies, Tartu
Tagged medical studies, medicine, Turkey, twins
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Solving the puzzle of the Kurds in the Syrian conflict
“After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home!” wrote Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, on Twitter on 20 December 2018. After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our … Continue reading
Posted in Research, Social sciences, Studies
Tagged Iraq, Kurdish state, Kurds, Middle East, Syria, Turkey, US, USA
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The Second Crimean War: When Decaying Empires Strike Back
Professor Rein Taagepera maps the present situation in Crimea, Russia, and Ukraine in the broader historical context, relying on quantitative studies of empire growth and decay over the last 5000 years. Continue reading
Posted in Research, Social sciences
Tagged China, Crimea, Crimean War, empires, history, political science, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
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