Happy New Year, dear friends! May all of you discover a lot of inspirational reading to carry you away this year, and may authors encounter fewer and milder writing blocks.
Throughout last year, we published 56 stories on UT Blog. Here are the ten most popular of them worth checking out:
1. Estonian Mafia: The Insider View
Priit Salumaa, co-founder of two influential non-profit initiatives in Estonia: MobileMonday and Garage48, writes about the startup companies and environment in Estonia. Continue reading →
2. 10 Tips for a Good Presentation
Djuddah Leijen from the Centre of Academic Writing and Communication at the University of Tartu gives 10 tips for a good presentation. Continue reading →
3. Meet Shazia, a Bright Master in IT from Pakistan
This is a podcast interview with Shazia Javed, a fresh Master’s graduate in Software Engineering at the University of Tartu from Pakistan. Continue reading →
4. Somewhere in the North: Why Nobody Came to Visit Me
Karin Pointner, who spent her Erasmus semester 2006/2007 in Tartu, won the first prize in the Erasmus-essay competition, organised by the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in educaton, science and research in autumn 2011. Karin’s essay came best among 200 submissions and was read to 300 people on May 3 during the “25 Years of Erasmus” celebrations in Vienna. Continue reading →
5. The Estonian Atheist Experiment
Martin A. Noorkõiv, the CEO of Domus Dorpatensis Foundation and a student of economics at the University of Tartu, suggests that the Estonian atheistic experiment might give a hint about the human spiritual needs and show the way for the rest of the world. Continue reading →
6. How Healthy Is a Man? A Woman Can Detect It in 8 Seconds
Indrikis Krams, a visiting professor at the University of Tartu took pictures of 74 young Latvian men, evaluated their physique and came to a conclusion that women see men with stronger immune system as more attractive. Continue reading →
7. Gender in Estonia: Observations from a Foreign Feminist
Jeana Jorgensen, a folklorist (PhD), feminist and a gender studies scholar, spent 10 months in Tartu as a visiting PhD student at the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folkloristics. Now she shares her observations on the gender dynamics in Estonia. Continue reading →
8. UT Student Blogger Contest: 5 Best Stories
These are the 5 best stories submitted to the UT Student Blogger Contest 2012 by international students at the University of Tartu in Estonia. Continue reading →
9. Foxy Folklorist Mistaken for a Sex Professor
This a story of Jeana Jorgensen, a visiting PhD student in folklore and gender studies at the University of Tartu in Estonia, told through her tweets. Continue reading →
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/foxyfolklorist/status/93639766955933696″]
10. How Good Is Estonian Science?
When countries are compared according to the average number of references per scientific article, Estonia has 9.46 references per article, putting the country in 30th place, right after Singapore and before Portugal. Seventeen scientists from Estonian universities belong to the top one per cent of the most referenced scientists in the world. Continue reading →
What was your favorite story on our blog last year? What would you like to read or write about in 2013? Please tell us in the comments.