After a long and snowy winter, spring on campus felt fabulous.
At the opening of "The Beauty of Kukruse" exhibition at the UT History Museum. During renovation of the Tallinn–Narva highway two years ago an excavator driver stumbled upon a bronze knife case, which led to the discovery of the 13th century burial in Kukruse.
- On a sunny spring day, the Presidents of Poland and Estonia enjoyed a walk in Tartu with their ladies.
Traditional boat rally during Tartu Student Days in spring.
At the end of April, Tartu Old Observatory celebrated its 200th anniversary with a festive programme.
UT Library's Pegasus lies down to rest during an event at the literary festival Prima Vista.
Graduation 2011. The University Main Building can take weird forms – especially after long and intensive study periods.
A small talk across the old border between the university and the city of Tartu: UT Rector Alar Karis and Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves are waiting for their guest, President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė.
Presidents of Lithuania and Estonia in a hurry on their way to the university's Main Building.
A monument to an Estonian writer and UT alumnus, Kristjan Jaak Peterson (1801–1822), on a bright summer day.
For the first time during Tartu Hanseatic Days, UT participated with 'The Town of Science' programme.
UT Centre for Ethics celebrated its 10th anniversary in September.
A magical appearance of Muse in our courtyard.
Opening the new humanities' complex Philosophicum (the newly renovated building is on the right).
Prof. Kalle Kasemaa, the first dean of the reopened Faculty of Theology in 1991–1996, talking to Ilona Smuškina from the UT Library administration at the opening of an exhibition devoted to the faculty's 20th anniversary.
A famous choral conductor, Vaike Uibopuu, received a special recognition diploma during the World Cultural Council (WCC) award ceremony at UT Assembly Hall. Other recipients of WCC diplomas are seated in the first row.
Beautiful Christmas lights.
All photos on this page were captured by university photographer Andres Tennus, except for the picture of Muse, taken by Inga Külmoja.