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Author Archives: Mart Zirnask
Are Open Notebooks the Future of Science?
Mart Zirnask looks into the benefits of ‘open notebook science’, wherein the scientist discloses the entire research process in real time, publishing both successful and failed experiments. Continue reading
Posted in General, Research
Tagged future of science, negative data, open notebook science, open-access data, science journal, science philosophy
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How Healthy Is a Man? A Woman Can Detect It in 8 Seconds
Indrikis Krams, a visiting professor at the University of Tartu took pictures of 74 young Latvian men, evaluated their physique and came to a conclusion that women see men with stronger immune system as more attractive. Continue reading
Posted in Natural and exact sciences, Research
Tagged animal ecology, attactiveness, handicap principle, health, immune system, Latvian, man, woman
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