Summer Interview with Top Ecologist Aveliina Helm

Aveliina HelmAveliina Helm, a member of the Macroecology workgroup at the University of Tartu, belongs to the top one per cent of the world’s most cited ecologists. Her summers are typically busy with fieldwork. This one was no exception – Aveliina spent most of it on the extremely species-rich grasslands of Estonia, observing the whole ecosystem from soil biota to birds.

Aveliina Helm’s perfect summer moment looks like sitting on the terrace, reading, watching children playing, dragonflies flying over pond and sheep grazing in the distance. Her top summer read was a book by the winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics Daniel Kahneman: ‘Thinking, fast and slow‘. Our interview happened on Twitter. Enjoy!

See also a recent story on Aveliina Helm by ERR Novaator in Estonian.

Inga Külmoja is an author and the editor of the UT Blog.

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