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Tag Archives: entrepreneurship
Starting a company as a student in Estonia without dropping out of the university
Who am I?Hey, I’m Ayaz, and I just graduated from the Department of Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Tartu. I now work as a product manager, and I am also a doctoral researcher at the University of … Continue reading
Posted in Entrepreneurship, General, Student life
Tagged entrepreneurship, Inskillz, student entrepreneur
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How I developed magical eyeglasses for my father
As a person whose father uses two pairs of glasses (one pair for reading and writing, and the other for watching TV) and one optical lens to perform his daily activities, I had a dream to create one magical eyeglass … Continue reading
Posted in Career, Events
Tagged business, entrepreneurship, glasses, NGAL, startup, USA, UT IdeaLab
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Words of Wisdom at sTARTUp Day 2019
This is a personal summary and a collection of tweets from the sTARTUp Day 2019 in Tartu, Estonia. Continue reading
Posted in Career, Estonia, Events, Tartu
Tagged business, entrepreneurship, festival, startup, startup day
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From Silicon Valley to Tartu to Study and Build an IT Company
Read how and why Chris Willmore quit his job at Yahoo! and came to Tartu. Continue reading
Why Do 48h Hackathons Work?
As the co-founder of Garage48 Foundation, Priit Salumaa has been doing hackathons in 12 countries for 4 years now. He discusses what 48h hackathons can and cannot achieve. Continue reading
Posted in Career, Events
Tagged 48h, entrepreneurship, garage48, hackathon, intellectual property, prototype building, startup
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How To Become a Master in the Startup Decathlon
Yrjo Ojasaar, an internationally successful entrepreneur, consultant, and teacher, speaks about the upcoming disruption in global education, constituents of good entrepreneurial education, and startups.
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Posted in Career, Estonia, Studies
Tagged DDVE, entrepreneurship, Master''s, startup, technology, virtual environments
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Startup Nation Estonia: An Austrian’s View
Find out what Georg Singer, a development manager at the UT Institute of Computer Science, thinks about the ‘startup nation Estonia’ and how it compares to his home country, Austria. Continue reading
Posted in Career, Estonia, General
Tagged Austria, entrepreneurship, Estonia, innovation, IT, service, startup, startup country, technology