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Tag Archives: Estonian science
How dreams come true: living example of UT scientist
As a result of more than 20 years of research by the scientists at the University of Tartu, the lactic acid bacteria strain ME-3, known for the last 15 years as the bacteria Hellus added to the dairy products of … Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, Medical sciences, Research, Tartu
Tagged Estonian science, Marika Mikelsaar, Mihkel Zilmer, scientist
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How Successful Is Estonian Science?
See where Estonian science stands in the world, what our top fields are, and who is on our top researchers list. Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, General, Research
Tagged bibliometry, citation rate, essential science indicators, Estonian research, Estonian science, top scientist
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How Good Is Estonian Science?
When countries are compared according to the average number of references per scientific article, Estonia has 9.46 references per article, putting the country in 30th place, right after Singapore and before Portugal. Seventeen scientists from Estonian universities belong to the top one per cent of the most referenced scientists in the world. Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, General, Natural and exact sciences, Research, Social sciences
Tagged Estonia, Estonian science, Estonian scientists, mismatch negativity, most referenced scientists, quotability
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