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Tag Archives: Finland
Mika Keränen: I Need Colder Seasons To Think and Work
This is a podcast interview with Mika Keränen, a writer, alumnus and lecturer of Finnish at the University of Tartu. Mika: “If your happiness is somewhere between the bushes of Botanical Garden, or near the riverbanks where the self-made thinkers sit, then you are in the right place – in Tartu.” Continue reading
Posted in Estonia, Student life, Studies, Tartu
Tagged alumnus, autumn, Botanical Garden, Finland, Finnish, frienship, history, podcast, Sofi Oksanen, student life, teacher, winter, writer
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Somewhere in the North: Why Nobody Came to Visit Me
Karin Pointner, who spent her Erasmus semester 2006/2007 in Tartu, won the first prize in the Erasmus-essay competition, organised by the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in educaton, science and research in autumn 2011. Karin’s essay came best among 200 submissions and was read to 300 people on May 3 during the “25 Years of Erasmus” celebrations in Vienna. Continue reading