Reportedly, it only takes one-tenth of a second to make a first impression. It might take a bit longer to make an impression about a new city or country, though. We asked our new international students about their first impressions from Estonia, Tartu, and the university. Here is what Václav from Czech Republic, Rūta from Latvia, Elena and Ivan from Russia, Ilona from Finland, Desiree from Canada, Connor from the USA, and Michael from Kenya shared with us on Twitter.

New international students at the orientation week events in August 2014. Image credit: Andres Tennus.
What are your first impressions about Estonia and Tartu?
@TartuUniversity Not the first time, no 🙂 But I love the atmosphere in Tartu and so far Estonian language courses are my favorite ones! 😀
— Rūta Veigure (@Himeera) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity 1st i: the city is old, quaint, w/ many bridges; the people are quiet, but friendly & accommodating. There is history here. — desiree simpson (@justdez) September 9, 2014
@TartuUniversity Tartu feels like home – Finland and Estonia are even more similar than I thought before. So, no culture shock yet.
— Ilona Pesu (@ilonamaijuli) September 9, 2014
@TartuUniversity I can only attest to Tartu. Not the entire country. Tartu’s a very student-friendly area. Definitely comfortable to live in
— Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity very good 🙂 Estonia is a beautiful country 🙂 I really like and Tartu 🙂 — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Well, Estonia greeted me with heavy rains…But in a couple of days people in Tartu proved that it’s really a great city!
— Елена Семенова (@ElenaYurievna_) September 11, 2014
@TartuUniversity From Estonia and Tartu I have only positive impressions in every way of live. Really surprised in positive way
— Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
What is your biggest surprise in Tartu?
@TartuUniversity Can’t choose only one.. But atmosphere in the city is so student friendly and open minded, it is really cool — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Next I was really surprised by people here (students, ISS and uni stuff, ESN) in Tartu. Everything was perfectly prepared — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Yes, so far I have been surprised by how large the alternative scene and art community is! & the amount of street.
— desiree simpson (@justdez) September 9, 2014
@TartuUniversity Maybe the surprise is that everything has gone so smoothly! The dormitory is not that bad, I found courses quite easily etc
— Ilona Pesu (@ilonamaijuli) September 11, 2014
@TartuUniversity traffic, there is always pass pedestrians. The university is surprising as all well done, what a powerful teaching — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity I was amazed by amount of people speaking russian and by friendliness of estonians though they are kinda modest and shy 🙂
— Елена Семенова (@ElenaYurievna_) September 11, 2014
@TartuUniversity Surprises? not too sure i get the question, but i think Estonians are very organized & respectful 🙂
— Michael Michuki (@MichukiMike) September 12, 2014
@TartuUniversity public drinking was definitely a huge shock! Also, having free wifi in almost every shop in the city. — Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Nope. Actually It’s awesome how people will leave their bottles out for the homeless to collect and receive money for it! — Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 8, 2014
Any myths about Estonia that appeared to be false (or true)?
@TartuUniversity all false:) — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity for example about the fact that Estonians do not like Russian and the fact that Estonians are very slow — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Don’t want to be stereotypical but yeah, Estonians seem to follow quite an unhurried lifestyle 🙂
— Елена Семенова (@ElenaYurievna_) September 13, 2014
@TartuUniversity most Estonians I’ve met have actually been very open (not cold and closed). — Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity To be honest, I did not come to Estonia w/ any preconceived notions, nor had I heard any myths. So far everything’s alright
— desiree simpson (@justdez) September 10, 2014
@TartuUniversity Swimming in the sea is totally possible in Estonia (a lot of people in my country don´t think this) — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Yes, in Parnu at the end of August. Unfortunatelly in that day wasn´t weather like these days 🙁 — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
Do you have a favorite place in Tartu yet?
@TartuUniversity I enjoy the Trükimuuseum by day and Keller’s by night. However, I’m not sure that I could choose a favourite between them!
— desiree simpson (@justdez) September 10, 2014
@TartuUniversity a lot of places – awesome cathedrall, main square and ruutli street, whole river as a perfect place for rest and running.. — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Tasku and Kaubamaja as center of shopping.. Uni sports club as place for keeping myself in shape.. — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Yes, university, botanical garden and Pussirohukelder — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity Lokaal Piragov. I’ve met 4 Estonians there already. The rest of Rüütli Street is great at night too, dont know who’ll meet! — Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 8, 2014
What do you expect from your studies in Tartu?
@TartuUniversity I want to learn from a different perspective. Study material not familiar in my country (Estonian, Business in the Baltics)
— Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 9, 2014
@TartuUniversity Improve English skills, meet many new people from all over the world, explore new country and new style of life.. — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity I just want try and explore new things in my life.. after two weeks in Tartu it seems as a correct way to do it! — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity I want to get a good education here and communicating with people from different countries — I.V.A.N (@IvanKorolenko) September 8, 2014
@TartuUniversity I expect a professional standard of education that will enhance my studies both in the classroom and outside of it.
— desiree simpson (@justdez) September 12, 2014
@TartuUniversity good knowledge (courses I took up r really great), bosom friends, fun, unforgettable events and trips, joy 🙂
— Елена Семенова (@ElenaYurievna_) September 14, 2014
Are you scared of winter?
@TartuUniversity not at all. I experienced a polar vortex (-35) this past winter. I’m also from Boston, so cold winter’s are normal 🙂
— Connor Mahon (@theconnorsseur) September 10, 2014
@TartuUniversity that’s not the question to ask the girl living in Russia and having wiinter 5 months a year 🙂 but want to compare 😉
— Елена Семенова (@ElenaYurievna_) September 14, 2014
@TartuUniversity Actually I am looking forward to it. Maybe I will regret my words, but I am curius about Estonia nature in winter time! — Václav Málek (@VaclavMalek) September 8, 2014